HOME is Growing!


For 12 years, HOME has been led by an all-volunteer team of music legends. As living costs rise, particularly affecting our aging musician community, HOME is ready for a transformative shift. We have hired our first Executive Director and are expanding our grant capacity and client support system, enabling us to better support the musicians who made Austin the "Live Music Capital of the World." With hundreds of aging musicians in need, HOME’s mission is more critical than ever in providing housing security to this underserved community.

It started around a kitchen table.

Marcia Ball’s, to be exact. Ball and fellow musicians and music lovers initially came together to support Miss Lavelle White back in 2012 when she found herself without a home. We found White a one-bedroom apartment and helped furnish it, as well as raised enough money to cover a year's rent and other expenses. The outpouring of support was palpable, so we expanded our efforts in order to help other musicians in need, starting with the first of what would be many fundraising concerts benefitting Lavelle and future clients of HOME. "There's a side of Austin that really cares," White said. "It's a blessing."

Now HOME is getting a remodel.

Armed with new insight and energy, phenomenal partners, and a passion for this work, the HOME Board has hired our first Executive Director to enhance our ability to support more aging musicians and will be expanding a part time team to add additional client services. With this new capacity, HOME will be regularly increasing the number of musicians the organization can serve.

With your support, we can continue to expand our assistance to Austin’s elder music community and ensure that these long-time contributors, who have brought substantial revenue to Austin while often earning modest wages, can enjoy their later years with dignity and housing security.


HOME wouldn’t be here without the generous support of those who cherish Austin music and wish to ease the challenges faced by our legends. From untangling miles of instrument cords (literally) during multi-day fundraising garage sales to joining our annual virtual holiday party featuring musicians from across the country, we appreciate every effort. Together, we look forward to expanding our impact and continuing this important work with your support.​

How to Help.

To celebrate this milestone, HOME invites the community to WOMEN of HOME: A Legendary Birthday Bash, honoring Marcia Ball and Nancy Coplin’s birthdays and Cofer’s appointment. The event will feature an all-women lineup of musicians who have shaped Austin’s music scene. It’s a chance to honor these women and raise support for HOME’s mission.

Join us for this special event to make a lasting impact on the city’s music community.

All upcoming HOME events and campaigns are posted on the HOME website and social media channels. 

Want to channel your love for Austin music and those legends who defined our town? Consider a donation toward easing the challenges these legends face by making a donation in any amount here.

We have launched an ambitious $100,000 fundraising campaign to raise a ‘runway’ for the next 3 years of expansion - allowing us to build out staff and fundraising capacity for our expanded programs.

Hanna Cofer